Photo Diary Week 12, IMU Event And New Collection
24 maart 2016 

Photo Diary Week 12, IMU Event And New Collection

Last week we were busy making lots of inspiration jewelry sets, the new collection arrived so we could not wait to start. The colored pompoms are our favorite, because this is really a spring item for now and also a perfect item to use in the summer.

In the weekend we were at the IMU (Internet Marketing University) event in Amsterdam. With a blank notebook we got in, and we came out with a full written notebook 😉 Full off new ideas and plans for the webshop.

I’m curious what you think of the photo diary! So let’s start the week in photos.

new collection beads and jewelry diy

Yayyy new collection! When the mailman arrives with a package we are always so happy, but when we know it’s new collection we go crazy 😉 The box will be ripped apart and then we will look at all the nice beads and supplies if the colors, size and materials are good.  Most of the time you only hear, oeehhhh, wooow, look how nice 😉 And as you can see on the photo we are counting the beads so that we can add it all to the shop.

make your own ibiza feather necklace

Here you see all the materials off a lovely ibiza summer necklace that Monique made this week. We usually start with one item like the new pompoms and the we start looking at the other product to see what matches. Most of the time a design isn’t hard to think off because we have so many ideas! This necklace is totaly hot and really nice to wear in the spring and summer. Click here to get the materials for this necklace

how to make a product picture super easy

When we are finished making all the jewelry we start taking pictures. Together with Monique i’m taking a picture of the orange pompomp key ring. A fancy expensive studio isn’t necessary, with this picture we only used a white piece of paper, nylon thread and good daylight.

beads and charms webshop

Last weekend we also had a really nice deal, the free spring package with an order. We put this package together with beads and materials from the new collection, and what will look nice together in a bracelet or necklace. In the picture you see Monique putting all the packages together.

Do you see the pink statement necklace in the background? We also made this last week 🙂

diy video tutorial statment necklace blue and marmer

Earlier this week we put a picture online and all the reactions were so good. We couldn’t resist to make a video tutorial how to make it step by step yurself. We made this necklace in three different colors, here you see monique making the blue and white one. Watch the video tutorial how you can also make this necklace

statement necklace blue and marmer with tassels

This is the end result off the blue statement necklace 🙂 We made the earrings earlier this week and by coincidence it matches really good with the necklae. Click here to get all the materials for this necklace.

presentation at the imu event in amsterdam

Monique follows the Internet Marketing University for years now and already went to an event from them. This time Rosalie and i also went to the event and we learned so much! After this three day event we had so much new ideas to work with. This blog is one of the many ideas, and we have so much more to share with you 🙂

phoenix site with notebook imu event in amsterdam

We took our own notebook with us but we also got a new one at the event. Quite handy when someone like Monique has her notebook almost full with to do lists. We took our own magazine with us to show people what we are doing besides the webshop and blog.


Everybody is so enthusiastic and happy during the event! Can you see Rosalie and me in the room?

ibiza statement necklace diy miekstudio

Behinde the scenes: Marieke from Miekstudio is busy with a really nice new design for the summer collection. We keep you posted!

how to get facebook followers

” We have 7999 Facebook likes aahh who can we ask to like us so we have 8000″ We asked Chris during the IMU event to be our 8000e liker on our Facebook page, and ofcourse he wanted to do that. “You have to capture this moment, this is an unique moment!” Chris said and we posted the video to our Instagram account.

8000 followers on facebook wohoo

We are so happy and proud to have 8000 Facebook fans, we always enjoy reading the comments, tips and the ideas you share! 🙂

cheers to the weekend work hard play hard

CHEERS! A well deserved glass of wine after a full week of hard work at the office and so many new ideas from the IMU event.

exhibition paintings flowers

Sunday afternoon we went to the exhibition from our dad, he made a really nice surreal collection.

exhibition amsterdam painting

This painting is our favorite! ‘ Amsterdam – my first love’ This painting tells the story of our dad who grew up in Amsterdam. If you take a good look you see all elements from Amsterdam in the painting. Do you also see the necklace? Even our father is creative with jewelry 😉

diy boho necklace with brown and orange

After the weekend we start with packing and sending all the orders. Every week we make some new jewelry to inspire you. In the picture here you see i’m making a brown boho necklace. A nice statement necklace to wear in the summer and during festivals. The combination of colors stands out and has a really ibiza vibe. Curious how this necklace looks now when it’s finished? Click here to see the end result

free beads and charms with every order

With every order you get a free gift! We fill these bags with colorful beads and some nice charms. This time we choose a pink and orange color combination.

eating risotto diner

We have the best neighbors ever! Monique and i sometimes babysit their two daughters they are so cute! So then at 6 o clock we get a message from our neighbour if we want some risotto. Ofcourse we do! haha we didn’t even see the message because we were still working, and not even thought about food. So a few moments later we had the best home cooked meal of the week!

happy easter weekend with beads

We ended the week with a nice give away for the easter weekend. During the shots of the pictures we almost ate the whole bag of chocolats haha.

Tell us what you think 🙂

I’m curious what you think of the photo diary! Do you have any tips or ideas that you would like to see in the next diary? Let us know in the comments below, we love to hear your opinion!

Until next time with a new photo diary
Much love <3 Nathalie!

Over de schrijver
suba suba

suba suba

op 11 Jun 2020

Really informative blog post.Much thanks again. Cool.

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